Interesting ppt from a recent conference, The New Challenges Of Contract Cheating by Thomas Lancaster and Robert Clarke (Birmingham City University). Contract cheating is putting up details about the assignment you want written for you, and people bid to do the work. The ppt explains the process and ways in which it might be detected.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Millennium sculpture and pontoon outside 02 dome on the Thames, from cable car, June 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
cfp COLIS 2013
CoLIS 8, the Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science will take place at the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 19-22, 2013. There is a call for papers (research papers, short papers, panels, workshops, alternative events and posters) in any area of Information Science. Deadline for submissions is March 1 2013, and research paper submissions have to be the full paper. Full info at (Unfortunately this clashes with the 2013 IFLA conference in Singapore.)
There is an associated Doctoral Forum on 18th August at Lund University, Seweden, with submissions due by April 1 2013:: details at
Photo by Sheila Webber: New cable car over the Thames, London, June 2012
There is an associated Doctoral Forum on 18th August at Lund University, Seweden, with submissions due by April 1 2013:: details at
Photo by Sheila Webber: New cable car over the Thames, London, June 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Report on launch of Scottish information literacy online community of practice
There is a report from John Crawford on the workshop held to launch and promote the Scottish information literacy online community of practice (CofP), Information Skills for a 21st Century Scotland, held at the conference of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland (CILIPS) on Monday 11th June 2012 in Dundee at
Video by Sheila Webber: A summer day in Sheffield, today.
Video by Sheila Webber: A summer day in Sheffield, today.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Information Literacy education!

With Scoop.It you create a newspaper-like layout for your topic, and accept ScoopIt's suggestions or add items as you come across them, using a bookmarklet. Visitors can also suggest content (though I imagine that needs a lot of filtering if your becomes at all popular)
Photo by Sheila Webber: This is yesterday's photo, turned into a collage by using a free app at - being pedantic, this isn't really Hockney's technique, he tends to use a lot of photos to build up a picture, but anyway it is fun
#crai2012 conference 28-29 June
If you are a Spanish speaker, you can follow the 10th Jornadas CRAI (major annual academic library conference in Spain) using the Twitter tag #crai2012 on 28-29 June. The programme looks at results of implementing information and digital literacy (IL2)(which I hope is ok as a translation of las competencias informacionales e informáticas (CI2) in Spanish universities. The programme etc. is at
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Grassian Information Literacy keynote and survey

Photo by Sheila Webber: poppy, Sheffield Station, June 2012
UKLibChat on Information Literacy and Needs 6.30 pm today

Photo by Sheila Webber: "Sheila" rose, June 2012.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Continuing Professional Development: #CPD23

Photo by Sheila Webber: I'm keeping well out of the way, bah humbug
Saturday, June 23, 2012
German study in web-skill differences when looking for health info

Image is a Tagxedo of the article.
Friday, June 22, 2012
New report on "evolving value for academic libraries"

Photo by Sheila Webber: poppies, by the Sheffield tram stop, June 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Interesting article about a teaching/technology course for librarians

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Information literacy in employability training: The experience of Inverclyde Libraries

When announcing the publication of the article, John Crawford added that last week "at the CILIPS conference in Dundee, Sean McNamara, who is in charge of Digital participation initiatives with Inverclyde Council gave an excellent presentation on his work there and it was clear that he has been able to incorporate the recommendations into service improvement, a good example of how evaluation in information literacy can contribute to service development."
Photo by Sheila Webber: convolvulus and grass blade, June 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Horizon Report 2012 K12 (schools) edition

You need to register (free) to download the report from the NMC site.
Photo by Sheila Webber: wild rose, Hailsham, June 2012
Leeds (UK) TeachMeet 31st July

Photo by Sheila Webber: "Sheila" rose, June 2012.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Workshop: Beating Google into submission, 28 June

Photo by Sheila Webber: professorial inaugural lecture of Aki Tsuchiya, 13 June 2012, Sheffield.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Developing your teaching skills: short article

Bevan, N. (2012) "Developing your teaching skills." Impact: journal of the Career Development Group. Summer.
Photo by Sheila Webber: wild strawberries in my garden, June 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
cfp: Information Literacy - training models and best practices; Bulgaria
There is a call for papers for a Scientific Seminar Information Literacy - training models and best practices, to be held in Varna, Bulgaria, October 18-19, 2012. It is organised by the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) in collaboration with Association of University Libraries in Bulgaria (AUL), University of Economics – Varna and Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen. The Keynote Speaker is Dr Serap Kurbanoğlu on Planning for Information Literacy Instruction.
The theme is the role of Information Literacy in the knowledge based society of the 21st Century.
- Information literacy - research topics, issues and trends. Models of IL training programs and best practices in universities and libraries. Application of creative and innovative methods of teaching Information Literacy.
- The role of information literacy in the modern information and educational environment. PR and marketing programs in promotion of the importance of information literacy and IL programs.
Abstracts must be submitted by 1 July 2012 to or and full papers by 31 July 2012. Papers should be in English or Bulgarian, not more than 15 A4 pages, in Times New Roman, 12 pt and accompanied by an English abstract and a short (200 words) biography of the author(s). Registration opens on 5 July 2012.
The cost is 50 Euros for individuals and 160 Euros for firms, organizations etc., payment by October 1st by bank transfer to: Association of the university libraries, UniCredit Bulbank, Branch Sofia Aksakov; Address: 7, Sveta Nedelya sq.; 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria: IBAN: BG52 UNCR 7630 1475 9120 19 (EUR); BIC: UNCRBGSF
Registration, Accommodation and General enquiries: Assist. Prof. Rumelina Vasileva Department of Library Management (State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria) Email:
Submissions/Publication of Papers and for Posters, Sponsorship and PR: Assoc. Prof. Tania Todorova, Department of Library Management, Project Coordinator, (State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria) Email:
There is some information including a registration form at but at the moment I can only see it in Bulgarian.
Photo by Sheila Webber: A poster for an online site selling train tickets,with images of complex and simple searches, Doncaster station, June 2012
The theme is the role of Information Literacy in the knowledge based society of the 21st Century.
- Information literacy - research topics, issues and trends. Models of IL training programs and best practices in universities and libraries. Application of creative and innovative methods of teaching Information Literacy.
- The role of information literacy in the modern information and educational environment. PR and marketing programs in promotion of the importance of information literacy and IL programs.
Abstracts must be submitted by 1 July 2012 to or and full papers by 31 July 2012. Papers should be in English or Bulgarian, not more than 15 A4 pages, in Times New Roman, 12 pt and accompanied by an English abstract and a short (200 words) biography of the author(s). Registration opens on 5 July 2012.
The cost is 50 Euros for individuals and 160 Euros for firms, organizations etc., payment by October 1st by bank transfer to: Association of the university libraries, UniCredit Bulbank, Branch Sofia Aksakov; Address: 7, Sveta Nedelya sq.; 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria: IBAN: BG52 UNCR 7630 1475 9120 19 (EUR); BIC: UNCRBGSF
Registration, Accommodation and General enquiries: Assist. Prof. Rumelina Vasileva Department of Library Management (State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria) Email:
Submissions/Publication of Papers and for Posters, Sponsorship and PR: Assoc. Prof. Tania Todorova, Department of Library Management, Project Coordinator, (State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria) Email:
There is some information including a registration form at but at the moment I can only see it in Bulgarian.
Photo by Sheila Webber: A poster for an online site selling train tickets,with images of complex and simple searches, Doncaster station, June 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Information Literacy and Summon: 18 July

Information Literacy and Summon is a free event on 18 July 2012 at Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK. "Whether you're about to implement Summon, have just done so, or are an old hand at this sort of thing, you'll have thought about how using web-scale discovery impacts on your information literacy teaching. Have you hardly changed your approach or have you had a radical rethink? Or have you, like we have at Sheffield Hallam, thought about how the Buddhist concept of Shoshin applies to discovery systems?! (come along - all will be revealed ;)" More info at
Photo by Sheila Webber: Foxglove, Sheffield Botanic Gardens, June 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
IL for psychology students and pre-service teachers

- Gordon, L. and Bartolia, E (2012) "Using Discipline-Based Professional Association Standards for Information Literacy Integration: A Review and Case Study". Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian, 31 (1), 23-38. "This article describes the outcome of a collaboration between a faculty member and a librarian to integrate information literacy into a graduate counseling psychology program. This collaboration used discipline-based standards from a professional association (the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, ACES) to provide instructional goals, rather than utilizing the more traditional Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) standards. The authors discuss how using the discipline standards allows for a richer, more authentic collaboration, especially in a graduate program geared toward students who are already working in their field. Ultimately, using discipline standards could be a more effective way to promote information literacy in graduate and professional programs."
- Lee, E., Reed, B. and Laverty, C. (2012) "Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Information Literacy and Their Perceptions of the School Library Program." Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian, 31 (1), 3-22. "Graduating preservice teachers were surveyed regarding their knowledge of information literacy concepts, the pedagogy of information literacy, and the role of the teacher librarian and school library programs. The preservice teachers felt poorly prepared to teach information literacy to pupils, had a limited array of information skills, and held a narrow view of the role of the school library. In response to these findings, the education librarians revised their instruction to the preservice teachers by moving the focus from information literacy skills for teachers to strategies for teaching information literacy skills to K–12 students."
Currently they also have a call for papers on "Critical information literacy" reported at
Photo by Sheila Webber: Busy bee, Sheffield Botanic Gardens, June 2012.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Journal of Information Literacy new issue

- The experiences of Chinese PhD students in Australia: Encountering information literacy challenges: Jinghe Han
- Business information literacy teaching at different academic levels: An exploration of skills and implications for instructional design: Mariela Gunn, Cynthia E. Miree
- Active and reflective learning initiatives to improve web searching skills of business students: Alison E Lahlafi, Diane Rushton, Erica Stretton
- Learning Literacies through collaborative enquiry; collaborative enquiry through learning literacies: Jo Ashley, Freya Jarman, Tunde Varga-Atkins, Nedim Hassan
- Looking to the future: Developing an academic skills strategy to ensure information literacy survives in a changing higher education world: Helen Howard
- Creating an online tutorial to develop academic and research skills: Sara L Thornes
- The Welsh Information Literacy Project: Phase 2: Cathie Jackson
Photo by Sheila Webber: Alium heads, Sheffield Botanic Gardens, June 2012
Information literacy in e-environments: Proposal of a holistic approach

Photo by Sheila Webber: Fountain, Sheffield, June 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
eagle-i and information literacy

Thanks to Lyn Parker for this reference to an open access article:
Haendel, MA, Vasilevsky, NA and Wirz, JA (2012) "Dealing with Data: A Case Study on Information and Data Management Literacy." PLoS Biology, 10 (5): e1001339. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001339 which can be found here
I'd say it was a description (rather than a case study) OF eagle-i"a US$15 million NIH-funded pilot project with the aim of facilitating biomedical research by creating a network of research resources repositories".
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Poster: let she who does not Google cast the first stone!

I've got a bit fed up with student-bashing about search habits. There is an Infographic that loads of people are tweeting at the moment that crams in some statistics about search habits, plagiarism etc., and when I looked at it I thought ... hmmm.
For one thing, I don't think it is a terribly good infographic: it is rather more like several Powerpoint slides one on top of the other (as opposed to something which conveys a clear message in a powerful graphic style; see e.g. Edward Tufte, the godfather of information graphics).
Secondly, although I too experience students who start by thinking they know more about searching than they actually do etc. etc., they are human, they learn, and it should be remembered that the vast majority of them do not plagiarise.
And thirdly, I use Google every day, loads of people use Google every day. I know it's also about how you use Google, and I grumble about the way Google search is going, but still ... the fact remains that you often find good stuff via Google. Using Google is often a rational choice.
So I made this graphic/ poster. If you like it, feel free to download etc., under a non-commercial Creative Commons licence from here.
P.S. "numpty" is an expressive Scottish word meaning fool or idiot (I'm not Scottish but I lived there for a while).
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Articles: faculty collaboration; tutorials; revised ACRL standards

From the April 2012 issue: Adam Balcziunas and Larissa Gordon "Walking a mile in their shoes: Librarians as teaching faculty" (volume 73, no 4, pp192-195); Bruce T. Sajdak "Let the faculty do it: Responsibility and collaboration in developing an information literacy program" (volume 73, no 4, pp196-199)
From the May 2012 issue: Catherine Palmer, Char Booth and Lia Friedman "Collaborative customization: Tutorial design across institutional lines" (volume 73, no. 5, pp243-248)
Perhaps most notably, in January: The ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education Task Force (2012) "Standards for libraries in higher education: Approved by the ACRL Board of Directors, October 2011." College and Research libraries news, 73 (1), 34-48.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Foxgloves, June 2012.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Using Pinterest: article

Photo by Sheila Webber: photoshopped picture of the Queen's Jubilee celebration edition of Marmite (for non-Brits, "Ma'am" is what you are supposed to call the queen).
Monday, June 4, 2012
Libfocus Irish Library Blog

Photo by Sheila Webber: Foxglove buds, June 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Digital literacy in social sciences: articles
Just published, the lasted issue of the open access journal ELiSS - Enhancing Learning and Teaching in the Social Sciences (Volume 4, Issue 2, May 2012) focuses on Digital Literacies. The home page for the issue is at The editorial Digital literacy: digital maturity or digital bravery? summarises the range of articles, authored by UK academics and educational researchers, which are entitled:
- Making digital literacy a success in taught marketing courses (Robin Johnson, David Edmundson-Bird and Brendan J Keegan)
- Institutional strategies for supporting learners in a digital age (Rhona Sharpe and Greg Benfield)
- Learning journeys: exploring approaches to learner digital literary acquisition (Lyn Greaves, Claire Bradley and Debbie Holley)
- The process and affective environment of students personal information management (Sara Robinson and Frances Johnson)
- Bravery, technological literacy and political philosophy: replacing oral presentations with student-created video presentations(Pete Woodcock)
Photo by Sheila Webber: Jubilee in Tescos, June 2012
- Making digital literacy a success in taught marketing courses (Robin Johnson, David Edmundson-Bird and Brendan J Keegan)
- Institutional strategies for supporting learners in a digital age (Rhona Sharpe and Greg Benfield)
- Learning journeys: exploring approaches to learner digital literary acquisition (Lyn Greaves, Claire Bradley and Debbie Holley)
- The process and affective environment of students personal information management (Sara Robinson and Frances Johnson)
- Bravery, technological literacy and political philosophy: replacing oral presentations with student-created video presentations(Pete Woodcock)
Photo by Sheila Webber: Jubilee in Tescos, June 2012
Réaliser un travail de recherche: Infographic
The Groupe de travail du Programme de développement des compétences informationnelles du réseau [information literacy working group] de l’Université du Québec (Canada) have produced a nice (French language) infographic showing the stages in searching for a topic. You can even download a zip file with the documents to print oout and paste together. The blog post explaining it (in French) is at
Actually if you speak French (or are adept at Google Translate) the blog as a whole is of interest:
Note: the picture is from the blog posting, copyright the authors on the blog post I just linked to. It shows the final stage of making the infographic from their downloaded files, namely "Relax!" ;-)
Actually if you speak French (or are adept at Google Translate) the blog as a whole is of interest:
Note: the picture is from the blog posting, copyright the authors on the blog post I just linked to. It shows the final stage of making the infographic from their downloaded files, namely "Relax!" ;-)
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