- Dave Pattern's graphics of library impact data: http://www.flickr.com/photos/davepattern/sets/72157629087302688 (an example is on the right)
- A video introducing "ANCIL - A New Curriculum for Information Literacy", aimed at university administration/faculty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY-V2givIiE
- A LibGuide from Newcastle University Library: A guide to mobile apps and resources for study and research http://libguides.ncl.ac.uk/mobile
- A LibGuide from Loyola Marymount University, William H. Hannon Library, An Introduction to the Research Process, and this page is about forming the question: http://libguides.lmu.edu/content.php?pid=10084&sid=1965230
- Free version of the article by keynote-r Megan Oakleaf: "Are They Learning? Are We? Learning Outcomes and the Academic Library." The Library Quarterly, 81 (1), 61-82. http://www.meganoakleaf.info/aretheylearningoakleaf.pdf
- ACRL Value of Academic Libraries report: http://www.acrl.ala.org/value/?page_id=21
- A couple of powerpoints are already there including:
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