19 Presentations from the 2011
Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy can be found at
http://dspaceprod.georgiasouthern.edu:8080/jspui/handle/10518/4361. Mostly powerpoints, they include "Adventures in assessment: LIB100 @ Clemson University" (this includes a handout of tests/questions used), "Better beginnings: The link between a library skills class and student success rates", "Fade to black: The study of black popular culture for information literacy instruction", "Information: A literature review" (extended notes plus a powerepoint), "Planning a two-day workshop for graduate students writing theses and dissertations" (includes examples powerpoints used, sample letter etc as well as main presentation), "Turning students into ethnographers: A library discovery tour". The last named is not specifically about information literacy, but it is an interesting variation on the "induction session" as students are sent out with floor maps of the library and told to act as ethnographers, reporting on the activitiees etc. that they discover. The students also take pictures and produce quick presentations on their findings.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Parrot tulip, April 2012
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