When: 22nd February 2012 12 noon to 1pm Second Life time (this is the same as USA Pacific time, 8pm UK time, see http://tinyurl.com/7q9388f for times elsewhere)
Where: In the virtual world, Second Life, http://slurl.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/106/208/30/ You need a SL avatar, and the SL browser on your computer, to participate.
Details: Diane leads the discussion of:
John D. Shank and Nancy H. Dewald. 2012. Academic Library Administrators’ Perceptions of Four Instructional Skills. College & Research Libraries vol. 73 no. 1 78-93. http://crl.acrl.org/content/73/1/78.abstract (Click the Full Text (PDF) link on the right of the page).
"Instruction makes up a significant portion of academic librarians’ work and administrative support for instruction is critical to a successful instruction program. The authors examined academic library administrators’ perceptions of librarian abilities in four areas of instruction."
Some questions to consider for discussion from your own perspective:
1. How do librarians integrate instructional design into their work?
2. What role does educational technology play in academic librarians’ work?
3. Which skills are most important for librarians in increasingly technological academic information environments (Table 3 summarizes)? Is blended librarianship a useful approach?
4. What sorts of support do academic librarians need from administration to stay abreast and be innovative with technologies in their work?
5. How can front line librarians influence administrators to gain needed support?
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